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XSetup plugin | 2002-01-01 | 2.9 KB | 117 lines
"FILE"="Xteq Systems X-Setup Plugin 6.0" "TYPE"="9" "COUNT"="1" "UIPATH"="Appearance\Start menu\Windows ME" "NAME"="Visible Items" "VERSION"="2.00" "LANGUAGE"="VBScript" "OSVERSION"="00001" "TEXT 1"="Aha! You can't see this!" "DESCRIPTION 1"="Use this plug-in to show or hide some of the items in the Start menu." "DESCRIPTION 2"="NOTE #1: Hiding the Run option will not disable the WINDOWS+R key combination, so users will still be able to access the Run command." "DESCRIPTION 3"="NOTE #2: Show "Log Off <username>" might not work if IE 5 is installed. Also, disabling this option will disable the SHUTDOWN button in the CTRL+ALT+DEL menu. "AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems (Neil R. Turner)" "CONTACTURL"="http://www.xteq.com/" "COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved" "COMMENT 1"="Thanks to Jon-Roar Selenius [jseleniu@online.no] for spotting the "Recent Documents always empty" bug." sP="HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\" sP2="HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\" sV1=sP2 & "StartMenuFavorites" sV2=sP & "NoRecentDocsMenu" sV3=sP2 & "StartMenuRun" '<>! sV4=sP & "NoClose" sV5=sP & "NoFind" sV6=sP2 & "StartMenuLogoff" '<>! sV7=sP & "NoSMHelp" SUB Plugin_Initialize Call SetUIElement(1,"Favorites") Call ReadIt_2(1,sV1) Call SetUIElement(2,"Documents") Call ReadIt(2,sV2) Call SetUIElement(3,"Run...") Call ReadIt_2(3,sV3) Call SetUIElement(4,"Shut Down...") Call ReadIt(4,sV4) Call SetUIElement(5,"Search") Call ReadIt(5,sV5) Call SetUIElement(6,"Log Off <username>...") Call ReadIt_2(6,sV6) Call SetUIElement(7,"Help") Call ReadIt(7,sV7) END SUB 'Called when the Plugin should apply the changes SUB Plugin_Apply(ElementIndex,ElementSubIndex) Call WriteIt_2(1,sV1) Call WriteIt(2,sV2) Call WriteIt_2(3,sV3) Call WriteIt(4,sV4) Call WriteIt(5,sV5) Call WriteIt_2(6,sV6) Call WriteIt(7,sV7) Call IndicateSettingChange() END SUB Sub ReadIt(ITM,PATH1) if RegValueExists(PATH1)=false then 'setting available? 'no setting -> item visible Call SetUIElementEx(ITM,true) else i=RegReadValue(PATH1) if i=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(ITM,true) end if end if End Sub Sub ReadIt_2(ITM,PATH1) if RegValueExists(PATH1)=false then 'setting available? 'no setting -> item not visible Call SetUIElementEx(ITM,false) else i=RegReadValue(PATH1) if i=1 then Call SetUIElementEx(ITM,true) end if end if End Sub Sub WriteIt(ITM,PATH1) b=GetUIElementEx(ITM) if b=true then s=RegReadValue(PATH1) if IsEmpty(s)=false then Call RegDeleteValue(PATH1) end if else Call RegWriteValue(PATH1,1,2) end if End Sub Sub WriteIt_2(ITM,PATH1) b=GetUIElementEx(ITM) if b=true then Call RegWriteValue(PATH1,1,2) else Call RegWriteValue(PATH1,0,2) end if End Sub SUB Plugin_Terminate END SUB